Friday, October 24, 2008

On our toes...

This post is to help educate both our Spokane dancers and parents on the purpose of our Inland Northwest Ballet Pre-Pointe class…We want to make certain anyone interested in this class understands very clearly what this class is intended for, and the purpose it serves. Helping to educate you as a parent will help you to make a decision that is safe, and also make the classes you choose worthwhile your child’s time.
This class is for girls in levels 6 and above dancers who hope to eventually go on pointe. In this class, we prepare the core of the body (the lower back and abdominals), and the feet, ankles, and legs to sustain the rigors of pointe work, through exercises specifically created for pointe work. Please understand clearly that just because a student is enrolled in the class, it does not mean they will go on pointe, as there are many factors that play into pointe work, and whether a child is physically cut out for this kind of training. Dancing should be good for a child’s body, not damage it…
Some problems that might prevent pointe work are the following…
Feet, ankles and legs that do not have the proper line of pointe only set a dancer up for misery, as they may have trouble getting over on top of the toes, and would not maintain any type of balance, making pointe work difficult and also scary…Who wants to wonder if their feet are going to slide out from under them?
· Feet with any type of Achilles problems are not candidates for pointe work, as this only tightens the Achilles further, causing pain and mobility issues in daily activities.
· Children with an extra bone in the back of the foot, called an “Os Trigonum“ are limited in pointe ability, as this extra bone gets in the way of a good arch (and offers the same problems as feet with a poor line).
· Lack of core strength would mean that the child must wait until these muscles are strong enough to engage when needed, in order to support the weight of the entire body over a few square inches.
Let me also briefly explain the requirements for dancing on pointe…
· The child must have completed 3 or 4 years of somewhat serious study, and be in level 7, dancing 3 days a week. Recreational dance once or twice a week does not prepare a body for pointe work.
· The child’s body must have reached a certain maturation, this happens generally about the age of 12, possibly younger if the child shows exceptional maturity, or whose dance schedule has given her exceptional strength (meaning she is studying 4-5 days a week, which only a handful of our dancers are).
· The child must also have sufficient technique and control of the body while dancing. If a child’s hands, feet, or heads are flopping around, why place them on pointe only to make EVERYTHING much harder, and therefore, everything sloppier. Pointe should be the polishing touch to already beautiful dancing, it does NOT make a dancer beautiful by itself. Someone not ready for pointe can ”step up, and step down” on and off pointe, and bourree poorly, but they can do little else. If a child does not understand the difference between being on pointe and dancing on pointe well, then in no way are they ready for pointe work.
· The feet and ankles must be in line with the hips (no “sloping up”). Unfortunately, the body has the first and final say in pointe work.
Any questions? Please see Janine as soon as possible, she would be happy to clarify …

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Wow...simply wow! On Monday evening, Miss Janine and dance mom Cynthia took our upper level Inland Northwest Ballet dancers downtown to Spokane's Fox Theatre to see MOMIX. For those of you who have never seen MOMIX, you can't even imagine what you're missing! Choreographed primarily by the amazing Moses Pendleton (one of the founding members of Pilobilus Dance Theatre, another amazing troupe) who has an imagination few artists can match, MOMIX is difficult to describe. The professional dance troupe incorporates ribbons, skis and boots (who would have thought one could rise "en pointe" on skis and make it look beautiful?), huge rubber balls, long bamboo poles, puppetry, black lights, geometric contraptions, various other indescribable props, and absolutely mind blowing core body strength to roll, twirl, leap, balance, crawl, spin, twist, and fly across around, inside, over and under these props. A physics major would have an interesting time trying to figure it all out. It made us all want to go home and jump into our skis and experiment!

Try this link to get just a short sampling of their work, but keep in mind that the dance videos do not compare to live performance (what video does?). More MOMIX work is displayed on other Youtube links as well...

Also, check out the MOMIX website...

...and the next time you have an opportunity to attend a MOMIX performance, jump at the chance!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gift Certificate for a free pair of ballet slippers!

As many of you know, we love to reward our families who keep up on our latest happenings, by reading our newsletters, and also our blog. Sometimes we offer gift certificates for dance tuition or dance attire, and now...ballet slippers! For all our blog readers, we are offering a chance to put your name in a drawing for a pair of pretty pink split sole ballet slippers! Simply click on the "contact us" link, e-mail us your name, and your name will be put in our drawing. You do not have to be a current student of INB to be in our drawing, anyone who replies may win! This is our thank you for keeping up on the latest happenings at Spokane's INB!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hip Hop Dance Party...What fun!

Below...Miss Kaiti and Miss Janine with our little "Spokane hip hop crew"!
Below...Miss Kaiti leads the girls in some funky steppin'!
Below...The girls rock the stage under the funky lights!

We had a terrific time at our Hip Hop Dance Party, held around the corner from the studio at Jezreel Fitness. Thanks to Kim and her staff for hosting Inland Northwest Ballet today!

Do you know of someone with a lost pug?

We have found a beautiful little black pug wandering around the Inland Northwest Ballet and Brentwood neighborhood (on the north side of Spokane) with no collar and no microchip...:(
If you know of anyone missing a pug, have them call the studio and 467-0765. The pug will be returned under the conditions that the owner get both a collar with tags and a chip.
If we do not find the owner soon, we will be happy to give him to a loving home...He is very sweet and cuddily, excellent with both cats and kids, and cute as can be!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hip Hop Dance Party!

Who: Our Inland Northwest Ballet dancers!
What: A Hip Hop Dance Party…which is really our regular class, but with a fun twist! Dancers may wear cargo pants, baseball caps, or any fun but danceable funky clothing!
When: Friday, October 17th
Where: We will meet at the studio at our regular classtime, then walk around the corner to Jezreel Fitness, a new state of the art fitness facility, run by a former dance mom, located right in Fairwood Center in north Spokane, less than a two minutes walk away.
Why: Fun fun fun!

Jezreel Fitness has a large dance space with a state of the art lighting and sound system, and a small stage. The space is large enough for parents to come in, sit down, and watch class. Please understand that while siblings are welcome, they will not be allowed to run around, they must sit with the parents at all times. You can also check out the yoga studio or the spin room, or visit in the lobby. If you have questions, please see Studio Director Janine Fraser.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Check out our new neighbor...Jezreel Fitness!

We love to support our dance parents when they open new Spokane businesses, especially when the business is in our neighborhood, and it is such an all around positive place!
Kim Bellamy is mother to Brooke and Brenna, who have both danced at Inland Northwest Ballet. Kim is formerly the group exercise director of Global Fitness, is well known in Spokane for her fitness expertise, and with that experience and knowledge, she has created "Jezreel Fitness", located right in Fairwood Center. The fitness center, which consists of a yoga/pilates studio, a spin studio, and a group exercise studio, offers classes in BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyStep, and BodyFlow...with fresh and exciting choreography created by nationally known choreographers. Kim and her energetic crew have installed state of the art sounds sytems, as well as exciting lighting, to liven up and energize the classes!
The fitness center is just around the corner (the front doors face Bellwood Drive), less than a two minute walk from our studio. Kim has generously offered us a full stack of free passes, so please ask for a pass and a class schedule if you are interested. If you have questions, you may contact Janine at the studio (467-0765) or Kim (call 218-4009 or email )
if you have questions about the center.