Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Attendance, punctuality, and pretty costumes!

Spring has sprung, or is springing, as we speak! With spring comes performance preparation, and so the students are beginning to learn choreography for our June performance season, so attendance and punctuality are both very important.
Late students disrupt the focus of the entire class, and leave your child unprepared and embarrassed, so we truly appreciate you bringing your child on time for every class. Teaching punctuality in the early years sets the standard for life...:)
Absent students make it difficult for the others, as they need to dance in formation, but that is difficult when dancers are missing, so we appreciate terrific attendance as well! Your child will benefit by feeling confident when onstage, and isn't that what every parent wants? :)

Costumes are beginning to arrive, and will be sent home during the next few months. Remember, your account must be paid up to receive your costume. The costume we have received are adorable, and we can't wait to see them on the dancers!

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